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Celestial Azul LLC offers two type of Forecasting, Business & Personal. Business Forecasting maps out energy patterns in timelines to help the business move through pitfalls & navigate its way through the year using a basic SWOT analysis business approach making it easy for the company to see its way to success! Personal Forecasting helps a person to map out their year in relation to their goals with a SWOT analysis approach making it easy to achieve individual success! Personal Forecasting is great for tracking career goals, financial goals, relationship goals, marketing goals, and all types of individual personal goals you have set for yourself!

Small Business Forecasting

Up to 50 employees

Costs starting at $550 includes a SWOT forecast based on what your company addresses in its annual report as well as up to 10 business goals. Additional goals start at $50 each. Additional perspectives of business not listed in the annual report start at $25 each.



Corporate Business Forecasting

One Corporate Location

One Corporate location costs $5,500.

Three Corporate locations costs $10,500.

Each Additional Corporate location costs $5,500. Your report will include a basic SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis in a comprehensive review of your company's year based on the outlined points from your previous year's annual report. Included are company overview, employee forecasting, 3 strategic goals, operations, financial overview, financial planning, management, cash flow general expenditures, contracts, shareholders, shareholder profits, risk factors & unexpected transgressions of business throughout the corporate fiscal year.



Personal Forecasting

Up to 10 personal goals

Personal Forecasting includes up to 10 personal goals delivered in a SWOT analysis physical report for you to look over again and again as you chart through your year. Each goal is prioritized in a monthly breakdown with specific dates if applicable, creating a trajectory of your year in relation to your goals. Additional goals cost $125 per goal.



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